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Unique Simple Ways To Maintain A Computer

Submitted by Pctablab on Fri, 01/27/2017 - 03:54

Computers, as we know are one of the best inventions made by humans in the entire human history. The very first computer ever made weighed 50 tons which equivalent to 25 elephants. But today there are laptops that don’t weigh more than 3 pounds. There have been massive changes in the entire technology field. Computers have made so many complicated things simple and easier. Before computers were made, communication could happen only via telephone or by traveling. Then when the computer came in, emails saved all the time that would be wasted in traveling back and forth for the sake of communication. Computers are a very important aspect of our daily lives. Every day we do n number of tasks on the computer. Be it a power point presentation or listening to your favorite artist’s podcasts.

Maintaining computers condition is in our hands. How we use it, how we keep it, how we store files in it affect computers battery and systems. It’s very important to take good care of the computer. If one keep downloading various files from various websites without checking properly, the computer can get hacked/virus. There are many hackers out in the world waiting to hack a user’s computer to extract their personal vital information. By getting a liquid accidentally/purposely spill over a computer can completely destroy its motherboard. There are many ways through which one can destroy their computers very easily.

        To avoid ruining of your computer, you can always clean the dust off the computer. Keep computer away from any kind of garbage. Garbage is any substance harmful to the computer. It could be edibles, dust, water, dirt etc. Make sure the computer get enough flow of electricity. Less supply of electricity sometimes causes system breakdown. Do battery checkups regularly. Replace old batteries as they can cause serious damage to the computer. Delete useless big files from the computer. Don’t keep extra unnecessary files on the computer. Extra files take extra space and damage the system with a virus.

Always delete internet downloaded files after use. There are possibilities of such files leading to the virus. Install trustworthy antivirus for the protection of computer from harmful scams. Backup important hard drives and regular update system. Secure sensitive data with hard drives. Manage your wifi network; don’t shut down the computer without closing wifi option. Share big files via senduit, dropbox or wikisend rather than emailing them. Always use shortcuts while copy pasting documents. These are some of the easiest solutions to follow on a daily basis to avoid any damage to computers.

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