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Try "plate" diet for your new meal plan

Submitted by alenalbert on Wed, 06/21/2017 - 13:17

A person who has diabetes or is at high risk for diabetes should avoid eating sweet foods. You can still eat food everyday, provided the portion is adjusted, one of them with 'plate method'.

One way to manage blood sugar to control diabetes is to pay attention to the balance of the diet. Research shows that the less carbohydrates or simple carbohydrates consumed, the lower the glucose levels in the blood.

However, you still need carbohydrates to build energy. Experts advise to adopt a 'plate method', which divides the portion of food in plates into 4 parts.

Meet about 2/4 of your plate with non-starchy vegetables that can offer healthy nutrients such as vitamins and fiber needed by the body. Vegetables will not increase your blood sugar levels and require little insulin to digest vegetables.

Then, fill one-fourth of your plate with protein foods, such as eggs, tempeh, chicken, fish, and lean meats. This food can also limit the spike in blood sugar in the body.

The rest, the last 1/4 of the plate should be filled with foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as rice, brown rice, broccoli, eggplant, cassava, and whole grain cereal. Although these foods can increase blood sugar levels, but with this portion is still safe.

"You can eat a piece of fruit or yogurt as a dessert, but be sure to choose pure yoghurt and not artificial sweeteners," said Marianne Tetlow, diabetes consultant from The Diabetes Coach, as quoted empowHer, Tuesday (13/11/2012).

In addition to maintaining blood sugar levels with a dietary diet, you also have to balance it with exercise. Light exercise such as walking is recommended for people with diabetes.

Changes in dietary patterns with plate methods not only can lower blood sugar levels, but also can improve a person's overall health, such as maintaining weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

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