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The True Power Of Jesus

A Yes, that is true. Yes, it is another form of humility. Sometimes, Full Chakra Reset Program it seems as though all the separate virtues distill back to the same few virtues. In a certain way, it could be seen as one large, encompassing Virtue, that we have split up into smaller ones. As you deepen each of the individual virtues, they seem to bring you to all the others - in a way, a unity of Virtue. Because to truly develop any one virtue, you must have all the rest.I love when you wrote, "It is a great challenge to write using words when what one truly wishes to convey is wordless. Thinking can only get us so far."

A Well, the mystical is, by definition, mainly wordless - even true Mystical experiences that involve images or words. We do not have a human vocabulary to describe most of the deep, mystical experiences. In addition, people will undoubtedly experience them differently. I would think it to be a very personal thing. Sainte Therese of Lisieux mainly fell asleep during her meditations. Each saint's and sage's experiences are unique to them. The entire mystical life, in general, is fairly uncharted and very personal, very subjective.

For example, none of us even know where we fit in the schema of the spiritual path, how advanced we are in the stages of the interior life. We are not supposed to know. Faith is a virtue. We are supposed to do our best and have enough faith to know that we will somehow get to the end of our individual path. One day we will end up on top of the heap, if we just keep trying. That grace will be given to us.