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Top Advantages of switching to solar power for your home

If you have been thinking about switching over to solar power for your home, there has never been a better time to do so! Making the switch to solar panels for your Gold Coast home will not only reduce your carbon footprint on the planet but also dramatically reduce your electricity bill. At Ever on Solar, we are dedicated to providing affordable and quality solar solutions for every home. If you are still unsure about why you should switch to the most sustainable source of energy, here are the major benefits of switching to solar power.

Environmental impact

One of the most beneficial impacts of switching to solar power is how truly renewable the energy source is. The sun is an infinite power source that generates sustainable and clean electricity. Solar panels do not produce any greenhouse gasses or create any emissions in the process. By switching to solar power, you are dramatically reducing our world's dependence on fossil fuel and overall, help stop the rate of climate change. Renewable solar energy is the first step to reducing your household carbon footprint on this planet.

Reduces electricity bill

Other than helping the planet, another major benefit of installing solar panels on your Gold Coast home is reducing your electricity bill. Saving the planet and saving money! The electricity your solar panels on the Gold Coast generate will essentially be used to power your house instead of using the electricity provided by the utility company. This will dramatically offset your monthly power bill, if not completely eliminate it depending on the amount of electricity your house uses. Furthermore, if your solar power creates more electricity than your household uses, it is put onto the grid for others to use and you are credited an amount for your electricity.

Property value increases

Another great benefit of installing solar panels on the Gold Coast is it increases your property value. Like any other upgrade to your home, installing solar panels can increase the value of your home from $15,000 to $30,000 depending on how many panels and how efficiently they produce electricity. This is an excellent benefit to keep in mind for the future if you are going to eventually sell your house.

Low maintenance

Due to the nature of solar panels, they are extremely low maintenance and cost nearly nothing to maintain. All the maintenance the solar panels need is to be kept clean, only needing a few cleans a year. After the initial installation cost, you will only have to spend very little on maintenance and repairs. This is a great benefit as it saves you time and money to get on with more important things in your life.
The team at Ever on Solar is dedicated to providing your home with quality and affordable solar power. The benefits of switching to solar power for your home significantly outweigh any negatives, and kick starts your renewable energy journey. Whether you are wanting to help make our planet a better place or simply want to reduce your power bill, Ever on Solar has the perfect solution for your Gold Coast home.