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Tips To Become A Real Estate Photography Pro!

In the world of real estate, a home without an attractive listing will ‘NOT’ get many customers, don’t you agree? When you put your property on sale, you might be wondering as to how to take some good pictures of it. Now, whether you are an agent who wants to make some profits or whether you are the actual owner of the property, it is extremely vital to make a good 1st impression and take the best pictures. Yes, real estate marketing photography indeed has a great role to play.

This has gained a lot of importance because; homeowners always look at the pictures while searching for homes online. The ones that have attractive photos are immediately approved. Put yourself in this situation and think; would you even click on those listings without pictures? Obviously NOT! You would keep asking questions as to what is wrong with it, why there are no pictures and many more.  Given below are some tips to excel in real estate photography or video marketing;

Poor picture quality is the 1st thing that creates an obstacle for buyers. There is no need of some hi-tech equipment for taking pictures, but even average cameras won’t do good.  Invest some money and buy some decent equipment, which will help you take good pictures.

For acceptable pictures, the resolution should not be less than 5 megapixels; this would help in getting acceptable and clear pictures. Nowadays, these cameras are very inexpensive and can be purchased at any retailer. Spend how much you like, but think wisely. If the camera is being purchased only for 1-time use, a low-budget one can be purchased. Good pictures can be clicked even with those average ones. Always use a tripod, so that you don’t end up with blurred or shaky pictures. However, it is not compulsory.

Always take pictures that are sensible. Obviously, the homeowners would like to have a thorough glance at the home which is being advertised. The property must be clean and clutter free. The person who is having a look at the property should be able to imagine things. Colorful items must be included in the photos which attract attention. These include flowers, bright artwork and more. This dash of color can definitely enhance the neutral atmosphere.

Natural sunlight is always the best. Whenever you consult a professional photographer, he will tell you how beneficial natural sunlight is. The picture-taking should be scheduled on a sunny day. Open the curtains and let natural sunlight come in. A cloudy and a dark day would result in gloomy pictures, which won’t look appealing.

Exterior pictures must be shot from the front instead of from an angle. This enables visitors to have a look at the depth. There mustn’t be any obstructions at all. Items like dumpsters, electrical wires and telephone poles shouldn’t be covered.

For More Info:- Real Estate Video Marketing