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Is There Such A Thing As Pain-free Dentistry?

For many people, the thought of going to the dentist brings up anxiety and fear about experiencing pain. But advances in dental technology and techniques mean that modern dentistry can be almost entirely pain-free.
Local Anesthesia
The most common way that dentists eliminate pain during dental procedures is through the use of local anesthesia. This involves injecting a numbing medication into the area around the tooth that needs to be worked on, effectively blocking any pain signals from the nerve endings. This type of anesthesia typically lasts for a few hours, and patients may feel a slight pinch or pressure when the needle is inserted, but the procedure itself should be completely pain-free.

The Wand
Admire Dentistry uses a modern technique called "The Wand," which makes administering local anesthesia even more comfortable and pain-free. The Wand is a computer-controlled anesthesia delivery system that looks like a pen and uses a very fine needle. It's a more precise way of delivering local anesthesia, as it can control the flow rate and pressure of the medication, making the injection much more comfortable. Patients often don't even feel the injection with The Wand.
Sedation Dentistry
For patients who experience severe anxiety or fear about dental procedures, sedation dentistry may be an option. This involves the use of medications to help the patient relax during the procedure. Depending on the level of sedation, patients may be awake but drowsy, or they may be fully asleep during the procedure. Admire Dentistry offers various levels of sedation dentistry, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation, and IV sedation.
The Bottom Line
While there may be some discomfort associated with dental procedures, modern dentistry has come a long way in making procedures virtually pain-free. Admire Dentistry are committed to providing their patients with the most comfortable experience possible. They use the latest technology and techniques, including The Wand, to minimize any pain or discomfort during procedures. If you're anxious about going to the dentist, we encourage you to speak with us about your concerns. We are here to help make your dental experience as pain-free as possible.