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There are though few areas of Plant Bag grass

Submitted by Lawnmowers on Sun, 06/05/2016 - 17:54

There are though few areas of  Plant Bag grass that cannot be renovated into a lush green area, be it for playing on, relaxing on, or as a background to the plants in your borders.

Of course if you have your heart set on a very lush green sward consisting solely of the finest blades you not only need to start from scratch but you are looking forward to a rigorous maintenance programme as described above.

For most of us a general purpose lawn with an attractive carpet of grass that acts as a perfect foil for flowering plants as well as somewhere to relax and play is what we are after.

This type of lawn can even be created from almost any starting point so whatever grass you have inherited could be turned into a reasonably attractive lawn with a little effort - and by that I mean much less effort than creating an entirely new lawn from scratch!

The first step to renovating a patch of rough grass into a lawn starts with mowing.

Assuming the surface of the lawn is also rough, this is best done with a rotary type of mower that will also cope with couch grass.

Do not try to cut the grass short in a single cut but instead try not to reduce the height of the grass by more than a third of its height at one cut.

Long grass is usually best cut without a collecting box but do remember to rake up the mown  Kids Garden Tools grass.