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Some Key Facts About Vitamin D Deficiency and Supplementation

Is there any person who hasn’t heard of Vitamin D? This oil-soluble vitamin is responsible for quite a few vital bodily functions.

It stimulates intestinal phosphorus and calcium absorption. What more? It negatively impacts the secretion of PTH. PTH is a vital factor in the bone remodeling cycle.

These actions of vitamin D maintain normal phosphate and calcium blood levels and thus promote bone health.

Reasons for Vitamin D deficiency

What are the prime reasons for low vitamin D?

A reason is a diet with insufficient vitamin D. Babies, kids, and people aged 60+ are most prone. Why?

Vitamin D content in breast milk is low, and infant formulas generally have insufficient vitamin D
Many people aged 60+ have limited absorption. Many don’t have or must avoid dairy products
Another reason is Insufficient or unproductive contact with the sun.

Vitamin D production from sunlight isn’t suggested for anyone. Thus, everyone, including babies and kids, and adults, can have Vitamin D deficiency
Another reason is some diseases and surgeries.

Crohn's disease, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, and chronic pancreatic insufficiency inhibit vitamin d absorption
People often undergo surgery like gastric bypass or gastric sleeve. These operations bypass or eliminate parts of the stomach. These people can have low vitamin D levels
Vital enzymes are present in the kidney and liver, and they make bioactive vitamin D from vitamin D produced from sunlight. Chronic liver and kidney diseases lessen these enzyme levels in people
Diagnosis of vitamin d deficiency

The blood test, 25(OH) D, help diagnose low vitamin D level in people.

Treatment for vitamin d deficiency

Several vitamin D preparations are present to help treat vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. Vitamin D supplements usually come in two forms: vitamin D2 and D3. Experts recommend vitamin D3 over vitamin D2 when possible.

How much vitamin d3 should I take daily? A person’s doctor can tell the best.

It is generally oral vitamin D3 of 50,000 IU once or twice weekly for between six and eight weeks for people with 25(OH) D below 12 ng/mL. Subsequently, they need a vitamin d daily dose of 800 to 1000 IU.

25(OH) D of 12 - 20 ng/mL requires Oral Vitamin D3 of 800 to 1000 IU daily. As soon as the people achieve a normal level, doctors usually recommend 800 IU daily.

People with 25(OH) D of 20 - 30 ng/ml, which is normal, should have Oral Vitamin D3 of 600 to 800 IU daily to sustain a normal level.

Two great supplements for all the above people are from Jamieson. They are:

Calcium + D3 gummies – One gummy has 400 IU of Vitamin D3
Vitamin D Gummies 1000 IU (Orange Lemon Strawberry)
The reason is that people can always divide a gummy to get the recommended vitamin d dosage.

Babies and kids with 25(OH)D below 20 ng/ml usually need Oral Vitamin D2 of 1000 to 2000 IU daily over a couple of months or three. An excellent supplement for them is Vegan Vitamin D2 1000IU from Benemax. It's completely vegan compared to vitamin D3 supplements comprising animal and/or dairy products.

All the above supplements are available on

A higher dose is likely for children with rickets. They must also follow up with their doctor.

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