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Soft love dolls

Submitted by Brunoed on Sun, 09/24/2023 - 22:33

Soak in soap or apply the stain to the dirty area immediately. Although the doll requires clothes that are color-fast, it is best to buy clothes in bright colors such as white, light pink or flesh to avoid dark clothes.

Stockings are white or flesh-colored. If you need to wear black, you need to apply powder on the doll's feet first, then put on a layer of flesh-colored stockings or white stockings, and then put on black stockings. Don't take too long.

The seat close to the sex doll's body can be covered with pillows, sofas and other non-fading items, or separated by blankets or non-fading sheets, and then the adult sex dolls can sit or lie down.
Do not place oily objects such as paint or ink around the physical doll.

In fact, it's easy to avoid physically dyeing your love dolls unless you have items that will fade, such as clothing. Please wash with water first to avoid fading.

We recommend washing stockings before wearing them. You can add a small amount of talcum powder before wearing. If you accidentally dye your hair, you can try oil-water-separating cleansing oil (the kind used by girls) olive oil, or pigment thinner. You can use enamel paste (Youbao). How to use: Light to moderate staining - Apply enamel paste evenly to the stained area and place the customize sexdoll in a dry and cool place. After 24 hours, the stained area can be removed, but staining should be avoided.
