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Single vs Multiple Embryo Transfer- which is best for you?

When undergoing IVF, patients must decide how many embryos to transfer to the uterus at one time. The fertility experts of the Best Fertility Center in Patna work closely with patients who assist them in selecting between single and multiple embryo transfers.
What is Single Embryo Transfer?
A single embryo will implant into the uterus after fertilization in the laboratory in a single embryo transfer. Therefore, each IVF cycle has a single chance of success.
The advantages and disadvantages of Single Embryo Transfer
Single embryo transfer has a lower risk of twins compared to multiple embryo transfer. Multiples can be born healthy but, they are more likely to be born prematurely. There is also an increased risk of low birth weight as the number of children grows. Additionally, women who have more than one child at a time are more prone to have difficulties during pregnancy. 
Single embryo transfer carries the highest chance of IVF cycle failure. If you only transfer one embryo, your odds of success may be lower than if you transfer several embryos. 
What is Multiple Embryo Transfer?
The term "multiple embryo transfer" refers to the transfer of more than one embryos during a single IVF cycle. It increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
The advantages and disadvantages of Multiple Embryo Transfer
Women over the age of 35 who did not save their eggs when they were younger are the most likely to benefit from multiple embryo transfers. Multiple embryo transfer is more successful than single embryo transfer in these situations. Multiple births are another factor that many patients perceive as an advantage of multiple embryo transfer. 
Multiple births are the highest danger associated with a multiple embryo transfer procedure. Multiple births increase the chance of birth problems, such as early birth and low birth weight. 
Which is best for you?
You have to consider many things when choosing between a single and multiple embryo transfer. Some women will benefit from many embryo transfers, while other women will be just as successful with only one. A fertility expert at Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Center can help you decide which choice is best for you based on your specific needs and prevailing medical conditions.