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Should I Try At-Home Dental Treatments or Visit an Orthodontist?

Going into a dentist or an orthodontist can seem expensive, especially if you do not have insurance to help cover some of the costs. This can lead a lot of patients to choosing at-home treatments to try to help their smile and fix their teeth. They may look at some at-home aligners or whitening agents and more. But while these products may claim to do the same work that a professional can do, they often cause more harm than good and could ruin your teeth. You would then need to spend twice as much to get the problem fixed than you originally planned.
It is not a good idea to seek out some of the different at-home treatments out there. Orthodontic care is not something that you can fix quickly. It is a complex process that, depending on the problem you are dealing with at the time, will involve changes to the bones of the jaw and face as well as the soft tissue as the teeth are moved into the right position.
You need to go to a professional to give your teeth the appropriate care. This should start with a good examination of the mouth and teeth as well as a study of the dental records of the patient like x-rays, photos and models of the teeth and more. The at-home products that you may try to use will not be able to provide these to you. The orthodontist will take all of these items and then develop a custom treatment plan that will work the best for the dental problem you have.
At-home treatments are not going to ensure that you are doing things well. They often are a one size fits all kind of approach and will take out the examination and some of the customization that your mouth needs to look good. Your tooth problems and your mouth will not be the same as someone else and you are risking a lot using these standard at-home treatments rather than working with a professional orthodontist to take care of your teeth.
In many cases, it is best to leave the health and treatment of your teeth up to a professional. This will allow you to get the perfect smile you are looking for, without causing some risk to your teeth overall. When you are ready to see what an orthodontist in Lake Oswego can do for you, then it is time to contact our offices today. We are happy to work with you to solve any dental problem, no matter the condition or the age of the patient. Contact our offices today to get started.