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See the biggest change in the Windows 10 Start menu in years

Submitted by Ellalucky on Fri, 05/22/2020 - 00:10

We had the first rumor of the change a few days ago when we discovered that the live icons for each application that you want to anchor in the Start menu were replaced by large static icons, a step that was announced by the Start menu in windows operating software , the operating system used to operate Surface Neo and other PC devices with multiple screens.

The change was confirmed by Microsoft, which also showed the daylight mode, which apparently has a pure white background that could be made translucent:

Microsoft seems to not o
nly cut dynamic thumbnails, but also replaced them with large, simple symbols. It also cleaned and optimized the entire menu, with a new column of icons and the separation of common system functions, such as file explorer, configuration and power, in a simple first column, which also serves as a space to give air to The whole menu.

Live mosaics were actually a good idea that was first introduced in Windows Phone. He answered two simple questions from UX. Why do static application icons waste space when you can transmit information at a glance? And then, why should users be forced to open an application when they can give them an overview of the kitchen, such as a summary of the weather, news or notifications, just by looking at the screen?

The UX concept was launched in Windows Media Center and developed in Zune before taking its final form in Windows Phone 7. From there it reached many other Microsoft operating systems, from user experience to Xbox 360 and Xbox One to Windows Phone and Windows 8. Dynamic mosaics were the key to merging the tablet and desktop in the form of Surface hardware and software.

However, after Windows Phone failed, people didn't seem to care much about Microsoft Metro or Live Tiles. The developers took it slowly and, finally, Microsoft stopped updating it to remove it effectively.

However, there is a ray of hope. According to The Verge, the main program manager of Windows Insider, Brandon LeBlanc, told us that Live Tiles is not gone. We have not announced any of that. Those who love their living chips can still do it. However, when you look at the screenshots, they don't look like them. There may be other plans for them in future versions of Windows, who knows.

Anyway, it is a shame to see them disappear, because it was a good concept that was marred by circumstances and less than exceptional execution. At the end, if you still not have Windows 10 and just plan to buy Windows 10 Pro Key, you can search via google to find a online shop to get one.