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Ronaldo in the Terminology objective

Cristiano Ronaldo to get rid of a list 71 and Messi near to la ligaIn the western to Cheap Fifa 16 Coins currently sit 8 begin round the first few RACES, two management real The town and Spain's investment in purchase. They respectively to 5-0 and 3-0 quickly escape attempt levante and Mr Anwar.


The Terminology management will details in a long awaited next end of the week nationwide Derby, they also have the winners team group stage next 7 times. The fight strength is not highly effective     opponents, is really the best training opportunity. Therefore, levante and Mr Anwar has unfortunately become two superstar C Ronaldo and messi after a witness to background.At this part,


Ronaldo in the Terminology objective extensive variety has to reach 192, one of the top 10 in the team goals, variety of 9, edmundo suarez, only three goals. And achieve these goals, ronaldo in just 172 activities. On the other hand, C Ronaldo acquired 15 goals in the team, 8 models before become western yet a position the for Buy Fifa 16 Coins most goals originally round 8. The first history holder is 1943 cut orvieto striker Emmanuel varia, he acquired 14 goals in eight activities. Until C Ronaldo this season starts before the outbreak, a feat in 71 decades, no one can do it.