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Processing Time for Australian Partner Visa

simonhopes's picture
Submitted by simonhopes on Tue, 07/02/2024 - 05:22

<p>Getting an Australian Partner Visa is a big step for couples wanting to live together in Australia. Here&rsquo;s a simple guide to help you understand how long it might take and what factors can affect the process. To get more information about <a href=""><strong>Australian partner visas</strong></a> please visit Australian Migration Lawyers.</p>
<h2><strong>How the Visa Process Works</strong></h2>
<li><strong>Applying for the Visa</strong>
<li>The first step is to pay the costs and submit your visa application with all required documentation. To prevent delays, all forms must be completed accurately.</li>
<li><strong>Initial Assessment</strong>
<li>The Department of Home Affairs reviews your application to make sure all the required information is there. If anything is missing, they may ask you for more details.</li>
<li><strong>Further Checks</strong>
<li>Your application undergoes more checks, including health and character assessments. Sometimes, they might need extra information or interviews to verify your relationship.</li>
<li><strong>Decision Time</strong>
<li>Finally, after all the checks are done, they decide on your visa. This could mean approving it, denying it, or asking for more information before they decide.</li>
<h2><strong>What Affects How Long It Takes</strong></h2>
<p>Several things can affect how long it takes to get your visa:</p>
<li><strong>Complexity of Your Application</strong>: If your application is complicated or missing information, it could take longer to process.</li>
<li><strong>Number of Applications</strong>: High demand or busy times can mean longer waits as they work through all the applications they receive.</li>
<li><strong>Health and Character Checks</strong>: If they need to do extra checks, like medical exams or background checks, it can add time to the process.</li>
<li><strong>Where You Apply From</strong> Processing times can vary depending on where you're applying from and how busy the office handling your application is.</li>
<h2><strong>Typical Waiting Times</strong></h2>
<p>Here is an approximate time estimate:</p>
<li><strong>Temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820/309)</strong>: It can take anywhere from about 17 to 26 months to process. This depends on factors like where you apply from and how complete your application is.</li>
<li><strong>Permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801/100)</strong>: After you get your temporary visa, getting the permanent one (subclass 801/100) might take another 19 to 28 months.</li>
<p>These times can change, so it's important to keep checking for updates on how long it's taking.</p>
<h2><strong>Tips for Dealing with the Wait</strong></h2>
<p>Here are some tips to help you manage the wait for your visa:</p>
<li><strong>Stay Updated</strong>: Use the Department of Home Affairs' online portal to keep track of your application and see if they need anything else from you.</li>
<li><strong>Be Organized</strong>: Keep all your documents in order and respond quickly if they ask for more information.</li>
<li><strong>Get Advice</strong>: Consider talking to a migration agent or immigration lawyer who can help you understand the process and any recent changes in visa rules.</li>
<p>Getting an Australian Partner Visa takes time, but understanding the process and what to expect can make it easier. By knowing the stages of the process, what affects how long it takes, and how to manage the wait, you can be better prepared for your journey to living together in Australia with your partner.</p>