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Pane suit

Pane suit
To review the suit case form the sum of the first:
The Windowpane Check can't get any simpler: it consists of two parallel, fine lines interwoven horizontally to form a large pane, like a window frame, that is simple, generous and geometric.
The geometry of the concise beauty
But that's what makes geometry perfect
The use rate of pane suit has exceeded solid color suit and stripe suit gradually in recent years, it seems that "accept and discover its beauty" the man is more and more, of course this also stems from the one big advantage that tries as level of introduction of plaid suit.
Pane suit to break the Old School (Old School) dull style, with bold lines give a person with clear squares contracted hale sense of elite image, also is the easiest way to harness a shape.
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It was first used in business suits, and its loyal supporters have come a long way:
In fashion to have done the duke of Windsor (when was the prince of wales) in addition to successfully lead the prince of wales, stick to pane suit as well.
The duke of Windsor with outstanding clothing and say "if not beautiful, it is beautiful to wear beautiful" the focus of the attention of Mrs Simpson stood together, really taste, a perfect match.
The window pane is a symbol of novelty, with a distinct personality and a clear message of what the wearer wants to send out.
Remember Hannibal the plaid suit maniac and mass murderer? He does best is to use pane suit to express their gloomy and cold again sit bosom not disorderly of composed aura
But low-key shallow grain is better than high-profile colour grain control much, too bright-coloured pane grain must have extremely strong aura to go each other shock and awe, colour case ability is justified and pleasing to the eye.
Pane grain advocate contracted wind, give priority to with black, white, blue commonly tricolor, although it is the easiest a case form, but if choose collocation undeserved, also can fall into "checkerboard case" trap.
Choose suit pane lines and exquisite skills, case grain of grain color should be similar to the background as far as possible, will create a want elite wind restoring ancient ways; The opposite is too radical and grandiose.
It has certain visual sense of expansion, thin figure or moderate men more suitable for choice. The safest combination is a plain coloured tie with a plain coloured shirt, which reflects a business casual style.
Pane suits suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit suit

  1. If you do not have ability to control pane of a complete set temporarily grain, can choose blame whole set combination, tie-in a white recreational pants, one zhang yichi can balance integral colour effectively.

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