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Oxygen Generation System apple-pie air point of view

Here afresh allegation to accent the concrete acceptation of CADR. CADR can accept both complete and abrogating understanding: 1. From the front, to Oxygen Generation System apple-pie air point of view, with a CADR bulk of the air purifier, agnate to an according bulk of complete apple-pie air, acclimated to adulterate calm pollutants Of the air inlet. 2. From the point of appearance of the abatement of calm contaminants, an air bactericide with a CADR bulk is agnate to a assimilation anchorage that absorbs all the contaminants in the air. The afterward calculations use the added concrete acceptation of CADR.

After acquainted these pathways, it can be abstruse that the bulk of change of the absorption of calm aerial particles at any time is the activating calm of the 5 paths. If the abuse is faster, the absorption will rise, if the acceleration of ablution faster, the absorption will be reduced. In added words, the bulk of abuse bald the bulk of ablution is the bulk of change in the absorption of calm aerial particulates at this moment. If it is positive, it bureau that the absorption of calm aerial particulates is increasing, the calm air superior is deteriorating, and the calm air The superior is accepting better.

For a anchored room, if the alien altitude do not change, afresh the allowance will anatomy a activating balance, that is, the acceleration of ablution and abuse bulk is flat, the assemblage time into the arrangement of chapped bulk and acquittal arrangement particles equal, afresh the calm air The superior does not change, that is, the bulk of change is zero, that is, the sum of the sum of the ante of the two routes of abuse in the aloft 5 approaches is PSA Oxygen Generators to the sum of the ante of the three ablution paths.