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Our Dependence on Electricity Requires a Backup Power System

Compare this with having a solar electric system installed, The Nomad Power System Review producing electricity for you, free of charge courtesy of the overabundant energy in turn supplied freely by the sun. Yes, there's an upfront cost to a PV system, but that cost can be recovered within 510 years with the savings you'd experience from your electricity bill. And that's calculated using the current cost of electricity, so, as the cost of gridsupplied electricity continues to increase, and the cost of solar equipment continues to decrease, that payback period will no doubt be reduced.

After the system's paid for itself, your system will be supplying you with free electricity for many years to come. How's your electricity bill look now How about fantastic, because you no longer receive one!Where Did The Rebates Go Due to the threat of increased global warming and greenhouse gases, the U.S. government, along with most States, is offering very generous rebates to anyone having a new solar electric system installed. As more and more people take advantage of these rebates, and as solar equipment prices come down, the odds are that these rebates will gradually disappear.

These rebates if you combine both State and Federal can amount to as much as 30% of the total cost of a new PV system. If you combine that with the value a new solar system will add to your home, you could almost pick up an entire system for free!Whereas, if you delay, these rebates may have all but disappeared, leaving you with the pain of thinking, "What if". That's right what if you'd taken the plunge and bought a new PV system when the government was almost paying you to buy one.You'll be left feeling the pain of all that money you could have saved, but that's now just a memory. Don't lose out on free money.

Global warming and the effects of greenhouse gases on the environment are front and centre in the news these days, and, as we see the catastrophic results caused by global warming, we're made aware of the fragility of the planet entrusted to us and of the damage we, however unwittingly, have already done. Hopefully, it's not too late to change that and reverse the damage caused, or, at worst, stop any further damage being done and rescue what's left of the planet and its lifeforms for future generations.