Logging is a crucial trade skill in New World, allowing players to harvest wood and sap from trees across Aeternum. This skill is essential for crafting equipment and progressing through the game. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to level up your Logging skill efficiently.
Introduction to Logging
Logging involves chopping trees with a Logging Axe, which can be crafted at a Workshop or purchased from the Trading Board. The skill is straightforward but requires time and effort to level up. The different types of Logging Axes available include:
Flint Logging Axe: Suitable for beginners.
Iron Logging Axe: Recommended for faster leveling.
Steel Logging Axe: Ideal for higher levels.
Starmetal Logging Axe: Offers better efficiency.
Orichalcum Logging Axe: The highest tier available.
Leveling Thresholds
As you level up your Logging skill, you'll unlock the ability to harvest and track different types of trees:
Resource Gatherable at Level Tracked at Level
Young Trees & Cacti 0 N/A
Mature Trees & Cacti 50 N/A
Wyrdwood 100 125
Ironwood 175 200
Mycodendra 200 235
Runewood 205 250
Tips for Leveling Logging
Level 0-50: Young Trees
Focus on Young Trees: These are abundant and easy to farm. Locations like south of First Light are ideal.
Upgrade Your Axe: Switch from Flint to Iron Logging Axe for better efficiency.
Level 50-100: Mature Trees
Mature Trees: Continue with Mature Trees as they are common and provide decent XP.
Use Better Axes: Steel or higher-tier axes are recommended for faster progression.
Level 100-175: Wyrdwood Trees
Wyrdwood Trees: Unlock these at level 100. They offer higher XP than Mature Trees. Locations like south of Valor Hold in Edengrove are optimal.
Tracking: You can track Wyrdwood Trees at level 125.
Level 175-200: Ironwood Trees
Ironwood Trees: Start chopping Ironwood at level 175 for maximum XP. Areas like Greyvale and Bronzegrove in Brightwood have plenty of Ironwood Trees.
As players venture throughout Aeternum in New World, they not only focus on leveling their Logging skill but also accumulate wealth in the form of new world coins. These coins are essential for purchasing Logging Axes and other equipment from the Trading Board, which is crucial for efficient progression. Whether you're chopping Young Trees or Mycodendra, having sufficient new world coins can make the journey smoother by allowing you to upgrade your gear promptly and access premium tools and perks that enhance your Logging experience.
Rotation: Rotate between these areas to maintain efficiency.
Level 200 and Beyond: Mycodendra and Runewood
Mycodendra and Runewood: Unlock these at levels 200 and 205, respectively. They offer additional resources and XP.
Additional Tips
Perks and Gear: Equip items with Logging Perks like Lumberjack's Discipline for more experience and Logging Yield for increased resources.
Interactive Map: Use the map to plan your route and optimize tree chopping.
Logging Luck: As your luck increases with level, you'll have a higher chance of finding rare items.
Leveling Logging in New World requires patience and strategy. By focusing on the right trees at each level and using efficient tools, you can quickly progress through the skill levels. Remember to upgrade your axes and utilize perks to maximize your experience gain. Happy logging!