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Need to make Money Writing?

Submitted by LeahArena on Mon, 10/03/2016 - 01:44

Learn which editors prefer what pitches

Certainly one of my regular magazine editors prefers longer, more in depth pitches with many of my sources and knowledge listed. Another editor Sometimes with prefers short, punchy pitches, in regards to a half-page lengthy, so he is able to share it together with his fellow editors easier.

To construct strong relationships with editors so that you can earn money writing, learn how that they like their query letters. Pitch accordingly.

Request another assignment whenever you submit articles

After I submit my assigned article and invoice, I ask editors should they have any leads or article ideas that they’d much like me to grow on. I still pitch different ideas - specifically for feature articles - but I love to show editors I’m available to writing most anything.

Don’t just submit your article and invoice utilize it being an chance to construct a much better exposure to your editor.

Throw your very best pitch

It’s taken us a twelve month of full-time writing to soak up this tip: fall into line your most fascinating source or idea before you decide to pitch the content. For example, if I wish to write articles about how exactly the economy has affected feature article assignments, then I have to look for a source with direct, unique, and interesting experience. I’d try to set up a few freelance authors, possibly an independent editor or two - and certainly the sunday paper editor. Then, I’m prepared to write the pitch which will hook my editor. Or you just can write for

Be grateful when editors request revisions

When editors request edits, be happy for that chance to become better, more effective author! I learned much more from revising and rewriting than I ever did in the editors who simply printed my articles “as is.” Certainly one of my personal favorite Reader’s Digest editors would call me, and we’d edit my articles within the phone…I dreaded individuals calls, but every edit helped me a much better author.