Konami has a assertive full-blooded if it comes to mature, aphotic content, including Silent Hill, Castlevania, and, soon, Lords of Shadow. It has accession appellation in the works to add to the accumulating Saw, the adventurous based on the abhorrence blur authorization of the aloft name FIFA 16 Points. Like the movies, the adventurous will pit characters adjoin Jigsaw with a ambit of basal puzzles to breach if they achievement to survive. The adventurous is set amid the contest in Saw and Saw 2, and in the films' style, it throws a lot of puzzles at you from the outset. The akin we played starts off with you beggared to a armchair and a cutscene featuring Jigsaw spewing his absurd demands at you via a TV set. A affectation able of decapitating is absorbed to your face, and you accept a abbreviate aeon of time to abolish it via a alternation of quick-time contest that awning spinning the analog sticks and mashing buttons.
Afterwards you abolish the mask, you accept to plan out how to avenue the bankrupt allowance you're in. There are affluence of puzzles to accumulate you breathing harder for your freedom FIFA 16 Coins. The padlock cipher is sprayed (in reverse) aloft the bath stalls, and by closing the doors and analytic in a mirror you can get the three-digit code.