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Most Relevant Questions Before Hair Transplant

1.Can There Be Hair Loss After Transplant?
Hair loss is a progressive condition and for this reason hair transplant must be planned carefully with the potential for future hair loss. This is especially true in younger patients in whom hair loss has not stabilized.

The transplanted hair is specifically selected for its resistant properties and therefore should be considered more permanent. There can be temporary shedding of the transplanted hair follices at 1 month and this is normal as the sites mature. Rest assured your hair will regrow at these sites.

2.Can FUE Hair transplant Fail?
Unfortunately this can occur and most often it is related to poor aftercare. The hair transplant near me will provide you with instructions to follow after the hair transplant. Be mindful to follow these plans.

3. How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost?
The average cost of hair transplant NJ is $5 to $8 per graft. Most patients require between 1000 to 2500 grafts which provides an approximate cost of $5000 to $20,000. The cost will depend on numerous factors including number of grafts, previous transplants, equipment, geographic location and expertise.

4. Can Lifestyle Choices Cause New Hair Loss After An FUE Hair Transplant?Transplant sites should continue to grow like any hair. However, providing proper nutrition and avoiding medications associated with hair loss remains important. Be sure to bring a list of your current medications to your doctor for review.

5. What If I’m Not a Good Candidate?
Some patients are not ideal candidates for hair transplant due to advanced hair loss. Unfortunately, there are not any miracles with PRP or stem cells either. Micro-pigmentation may be an option for some patients.

6. Is An FUE Hair Transplant Painful?
FUE hair transplantation is minimally invasive and is performed with local anesthesia alone. The local anesthetic will provide long-lasting numbness to help eliminate any procedural pain. Post procedure there can be mild pain and your doctor will prescribe some medications that can be used during the first 24-48 hours as needed.

7. How Long Does FUE Hair Transplant Take?
The duration of a hair transplant procedure depends most on the number of grafts being transplanted. In general, most transplants take between 4 to 8 hours during which time clients can enjoy reading, watching a movie or listening to music.

8. Will The Results Look Natural?
Because FUE hair transplant NJ involves taking your own hair, a natural look can be maintained. However hair transplant is a form of cosmetic artistry and best results are obtained with experienced hands.

9. How Long Does It Take For FUE Hair Transplant to Heal?
The initial healing phase takes 7 days and many patients will return to their near usual routines before this time. The surgical site will be more obvious and many patients elect to wear hats during this time to conceal any redness. The hair transplant will take 9 to 12 months to fully mature.

10. Will I Need More Than One Hair Transplant?
This is a difficult question to answer without a personal evaluation. And while large graft transplants are done (>4000 grafts), the healing and survival of grafts depends on placing grafts carefully so that each site has its own preserved blood flow. Large number grafts can become complicated for this reason.

11. Will There Be Scarring?
FUE hair transplants are performed using small punch biopsies to secure individual hair follicles. There are no visible scars with FUE.

12. Who Should I See For Hair Transplant?
The million dollar question….Potential clients should see board-certified surgeons with experience in cosmetic surgery. Clients should also evaluate what treatment options are available (hair transplant, NeoGraft, PRP hair treatment, stem cells) and what other clients have to say. Don’t be afraid to ask for before and after pictures.

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