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Most Overlooked Low Thyroid Symptoms - Why Early Low Thyroid Symptoms Are Ignored

One of the first low thyroid symptoms you Thyroid Support Review will probably notice is that you are not sleeping as restful at night. Even though you are tired, you spend the night tossing and turning, you struggle to go to sleep. Without enough sleep your body can't rejuvenate its self and you will wake up tired. This is a symptom that happens to everyone from time to time, so it is easy to see how a restless night of sleep can be overlooked as a symptom of a low thyroid function.

Weight gain that is unexplained is very common among thyroid condition sufferers. This low thyroid symptom is often assumed by many people to just be a natural part of getting older. Since most American's are never satisfied with their weight, they are always on the look out for a miracle diet that will melt the pounds off. Unfortunately, when weight gain is due to low thyroid symptoms, the pounds won't leave until you treat the underlying problem of your thyroid level, then and only then will you lose the weight.

Fatigue is another usual symptom of a thyroid disorder that is easily blamed on a host of things. You are living a busy lifestyle and there is never enough time in a day to get everything accomplished. Living a fast paced life can wear you down to the point of exhaustion. It is natural to think that you have just been so busy lately and haven't had enough rest, so that must be why you are so tired.

You can now understand why thyroid disorder symptoms are so easily misdiagnosed. If you have more than one of these symptoms, it is so important that you have your thyroid checked by a simple blood test. You may be one of the millions of low thyroid suffers that is unaware of your condition. It is very important to start taking care of your thyroid immediately or your symptoms are sure to worsen.