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Mineral Water Production Line is actively exploring

Pure Water Production Line has alien abounding initiatives to optimize the action adeptness of its plants, including accretion band productivity, advance in added energy-efficient machines, calefaction recovery, administration adeptness a allotment of the engineering association and introducing new canteen alarming technologies.

Cumulatively, these action extenuative accomplishments accept created a decoupling effect. While our assembly has increased, our action use per liter has decreased by 19 % (from 2010 to 2015).

In addition, Mineral Water Production Line is actively exploring the bread-and-butter achievability of renewable action use to partially or actually abutment branch operations. Our operations in Italy, France and Switzerland are currently developing programs in accord with rural communities to aftermath action from bio-mass. We are aswell exploring opportunities to beforehand added renewable action sources (such as wind or solar) to accumulation our branch action needs.