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Melon handsome pig to leave Bayern legend Ge greatest benefit:? Should seal the 31st

Submitted by bao hong on Thu, 12/10/2015 - 22:17


pig Manchester United, Bayern coach Ottmar Hitzfeld had recommended that sealed the 31st, and the 'Bild' that the pig will leave four people benefit. NEW YORK, July 14 reported: join, has coached Bayern recommendation storage 31, and the 'Bild' that the pig will leave four people benefit, namely Harvey - Alonso ,, Thomas - Mueller and Jimi Xi, of course, for different reasons. Piggy leave 4 people benefited Bayern coach Ottmar Hitzfeld has twice, for Bastian Schweinsteiger's departure, he expressed the feeling of regret, and hope handsome think Bayern will seal piggy 31 jersey, 'Buss pedicle 31 jersey belongs to honor room, I'm pretty sure that they will not in the short term this number to the other FIFA 16 players, this number has always belonged to him, perhaps never assigned to another FIFA 16 player. fut coins 'It should be noted that, in 2002 On November 13th Champions League FIFA 16 game against Bayern, Hitzfeld in the FIFA 16 game it is replaced by Bastian Schweinsteiger at Shaw, which makes pig finished first Ultimate team debut, which opened a glorious Bayern career. According to the analysis the German 'Bild', the pig's departure will allow four people to benefit from the Bayern squad, namely Harvey - Alonso, Guardiola, Thomas - Mueller and . Among them, the Spanish veteran Fernando Alonso is the pig in the bottom position rival, now with Manchester United piggy, Alonso's main position will be very strong, but Guardiola will be more resolute fellow enabled Spain.