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Meeting the Employers’ Needs after College

Submitted by Ponce on Sat, 06/18/2016 - 01:40

Many students think that employers are only looking for good college grades and nothing more. On the contrary, employers are looking for more than good college grades. The reason for this is because employers have realized that good college grades alone do not make a good employee. That said, there is need to explain what employers are looking for to enable the current student to prepare well for the future job. Current employers are looking for employees who show good social and people skills in addition to attaining good grades in college.

While we acknowledge that good college grades are vital in the modern job market, the social well-being of the employee is also key to the employer. How can a student achieve both of these requirements noting that they all compete for the limited time available? My starting point would be getting a good essay writing service to do my essay for me as I engage in social activities such as games and other out of class activities. I say this noting that most of the brightest students in class sacrifice their social lives on the altar of good grades! At the end of the day, such students end up frustrated since good grades alone do not guarantee a good life after college. An all-rounded student stands a better chance compared to those who focus on grades alone.