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Lingual orthodontics: performance, types, advantages and more

Although it sounds contradictory many people are not happy with their smile. However, the idea of carrying metal devices stuck to the teeth throws them back. Especially those who care a lot about their personal image and can give those Six Month Smiles. For this reason, many people choose lingual orthodontics. It is ideal for professionals where projecting a good image is important, or for people who care a lot about their physical appearance

Lingual brackets are also made of metal and help to get Six Month Smiles Problems. The trick is that they go on the inner surface of the teeth, being totally invisible when they are hidden behind the teeth. It is a point to keep in mind as they allow you to straighten your teeth without anyone seeing them.
Other benefits of lingual orthodontics are:

  • More accurate results
  • The results can be observed throughout the treatment.
  • If the lingual braces cause some kind of stain on the teeth they will also be hidden on the inner side.

However, invisible braces inside the teeth also have certain disadvantages. To know them we recommend that you read this Dental article until the end.
What is lingual orthodontics?
In this type of orthodontics the 6 Month Braces adhere to the lingual surface of the teeth - part of the tooth that is in contact with the tongue. In this way they are completely hidden from view and nobody will see them unless you show them to them.
It is the ideal option for those patients who want to correct their Six Month Smiles before and After discreetly.
How do lingual braces work?
They are quite similar to conventional brackets. They work through a system of brackets and wires attached to the teeth that, by means of light forces, move the teeth to the desired position. You should go to the office every 6-8 weeks for the dentist to adjust them. Generally, lingual braces have standard measurements; however, lingual orthodontics made to measure to adhere to a specific tooth is becoming more popular. Six Month Smiles Cost lingual braces is also very reasonable.
Custom-made lingual braces are more expensive but offer some benefits, such as greater comfort because they are thinner than standard ones. They also allow your dentist to have more control over the treatment and this usually shortens its duration.
Lingual vs. Traditional Brackets
Lingual orthodontics is much more expensive than traditional orthodontics. Especially when the lingual brackets are customized since each device is made to adapt specifically to each tooth. In addition, the fact that each invisible bracket is different makes adjusting them a bit more complicated for the dentist. It is normal that the cost of the consultation is also a little higher than in other cases of orthodontics because the dentist invests more time and work.
Lingual devices are much more aesthetic than conventional ones. In fact, they are completely invisible from the outside.  Even so, as they are found inside the mouth they are more uncomfortable and more difficult to clean than traditional orthodontics.
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