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Letting Go of Panic By Taking Hold of Mindful Peace

He built the Vatican over the temple of Jupiter Peter in English Manifestation Magic Review and set up a parliament of bishops to rule his empire after he gained sole rule over it. He was brutal, violent to the extreme, and his name and number add up to 666.The Mountain of God is Mount Zion and prophecies state that before the final days it will be set up in the top of the mountains so that all people will flow unto it. The thing that matches this description is the Internet and it is through that media that the Spirit has gained a loud voice. It can speak to the entire world without interruption or censorship.

The Spirit also laid down that it will be set up by a woman and that she will have the knowledge and power to bring down the wall that hides the truth. Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit it gave me this commission "Tear down the wall of churches and bring back the young."A huge learning curve followed and more commissions including the one to take God off the cross. It is now done as Jesus Christ is a fictional character put up for the sake of power and for control of an empire. The story has been worked over as has the entire bible to make it align with facts. It will never do that, however, as the Spirit is stronger, more intelligent, and it alone is in control.

One day, when I was dialoguing with my Guidance, I asked her to teach me about the soul. She gave me a beautiful clear picture of Essence being the aspect of the soul energy that is within our body, and showed me that the soul energy extends through the body and also surrounds it. She showed me that the part of the soul energy that extends outside of the body is the aspect that is in connection with the universe.She showed me that our soul holds our gifts and talents and is an individualized expression of God. Our soul has been evolving throughout time and enters the body at its own particular stage of consciousness. I saw the soul as a bright light that enlivens the body and extends out to receive the information from Spirit regarding what is true and what loving is loving to each of us.

We can receive this information at any moment when our intent is to know truth, and to know what is loving to ourselves and to others. Truth does not originate from the mind, and the mind is not capable of discerning truth. The mind creates concepts, beliefs and ideas based on what we have been taught and on our earthly experiences. The mind is programmed to think in very limited ways, often based on judgments of right and wrong, good and bad.When the mind has a true thought, this thought has actually not originated in the mind. It came from our spiritual Guidance and popped into our mind. If we are present as a loving adult, we then take loving action based on the information. If we are not present as a loving adult, we might discount the information, since the mind is not capable of discerning the truth as it comes in.