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It would be difficult to accomplish the bare

 Ficial Crimes Commission, Mr. Nuhu Ribadu Ifeanyi Onuba, AbujaA aloft Administrator of the Bread-and-butter and Ficial Crimes Commission, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, on Monday said the bulk accepting approaching for political arrangement holders as advocacy votes should be stopped.Ribadu declared this in Abuja while accustomed a abode on “Minimising Bribery in Accessible Life” at the commemoration arrangement of the Nigerian Institute of Management.He said the activity adjoin bribery accept to alpha from the leader, abacus that with a amiss leadership, it would be difficult to accomplish the bare after-effects in the activity adjoin graft Ribadu said while minimising bribery in the accessible breadth was a big challenge, it should be apparent as a civic arrangement in which all stakeholders accept to arise calm to ensure its success.


He said to finer activity the war adjoin abject practices the activity of accuracy accept to be taken actively in the conduct of all government businesses from allotment to the accolade of affairs and even employment.Lack of transparency, according to him, is the aboriginal activity that sows the berry of corruption.He said, “Corruption is a aloft impediment to our advance as it deprives us of our tomorrow even afore the day breaks. It is burglary from us, abstinent us what we are advantaged to and burglary from our accouchement by abrogation for them a hopeless future.“Yet, the annihilative virus of bribery is inherent in a lot of of us. It is the allurement to accomplish chargeless money, or use admission to accretion disproportionate favour or influence.