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Internal/External Optimization of a Website

In search engine optimization is important for both internal and external optimization in achieving a favorable rank in search engines. Internal optimization refers to those improvements that we can apply on our website and its content, Appearance, accessibility, etc. External optimization on the other hand refers to those techniques which you can use to enhance the visibility of website in online Platform. For better response from the website we need to make sure that the website is frequently indexed by the search engines, you need to implement both internal and external optimization techniques.

Here are few important internal optimization techniques that you should follow:

1. Quality content is most important thing in Google point of View. If you want a long way in making the site more popular with the search engines. Create quality content as it is a common saying that content is king.

2. Structure and design of a web page should be in such a manner that it is functional, easily accessible, responsive, and captures the users' attention.

3. Create identical, unique titles and descriptions of relevant content on each web page. Titles and descriptions are starting points for the identification of relevant terms by search engines, if these things are in right direction it means you are in the right direction.

4. Make your website as accessible as possible: less Flash content, frames or JavaScript. Such content are easily able to trace or track information from different pages or sections of the site by the crawler.

5. Create site map in the coding of our website so that Crawler can easily track and index its content and pages. A site map helps in improving the visibility of the website which in turn assists in improving its ranking.

6. Improve the user experience with design improvements and try to reduce the bounce rates. Panda also gives importance to the amount of time each visitor spends on a site. When the time spent is higher, the site is indexed more frequently and the chances of ranking your website in SERP are increased several times.

7. Host the site in a reliable web server so that it is accessible at all times. If the site is not accessible most of the times, it will be ignored by Google and its ranking may be affected. Thus, it is important that you choose the services of a good web hosting company.

8. Use bold or italics to highlight the keywords in the website. When you do so, it becomes easy for Google to understand the purpose of your website. It also becomes easier for the indexing software to match the website with relevant search queries.

If you want to learn more about SEO you can enroll in our Advance SEO Training Course in Laxmi Nagar or digital marketing course in Delhi.