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If you click on the blue text to the left

If you click on the blue text to Fifa 17 Coins the left, the location will be marked on the map to your right.As seen above, if you click the blue text, a bright red marker will appear on your map showing the location of the quest;s objective. Using this handy feature, you should never struggle to complete a quest ever again!2. Combo SkillsTo help you use new skills easily, the developers have added the combo system. Combo skills will be on the right side of the center of the screen.


As seen above, combo skills will appear if you do something to begin a combo chain and you can press the Space Bar to execute the combo skill. 3. Acquiring Enhancement CrystalsEnhancement crystals are used to enhance weapons and equipment. Crystals are placed in special gear slots to buff stats and abilities. You can kill the monsters or buy from a shop to get it. So if you have one of that, you can save more Tera gold to buy other things you needed.


You will be able to buy enhancement crystals in the first town you visit, the Island of Dawn;s Expedition Base Camp. Be careful that you don;t just walk past it! Make sure you buy some crystals because they will help you in a lot combat.4. Quest DifficultyIn TERA there are many monsters that you can solo but there are also many monsters that you cannot solo.


At times you will be Buy Fifa Coins given a quest to hunt difficult monsters. In that case, a very obvious indicator will appear next to the quest. So the difficult monsters you hunt, the more Tera online gold you get, and you can use the gold to buy more weapons to fight with the most difficult monsters.