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I have read in some posts and

I have read in some posts Fifa Coins and many claims from players that fifa 15 is the worst fifa ever, * etc. You know, the same stuff each release.Well, Fifa 15 in single player offline mode can be an absolutely brilliant game, I believe, but if only it is allowed to be.I have seen so many glimpses of what it can truly be capable of and can do, if only the coders that write the code for it are allowed to set it free of all the cheat modes and restrictions that comes with this game.


The presentation and Fifa 17 Coins animations are just incredible for a computer game. It is so close to a real world broadcast in regards to the limitations on coding a computer game, that it is so near perfect. I enjoy and watch the replays,rarely skip the game and listen to the commentary with awe of what the coders have done. There are glitches and repetitive sequences, but hey, its a computer game, not the real world, and can only be improved and expanded on.The game play is also brilliant when it wants to be. I have played and seen so many subtle things that I, and the can do that.


I get that warm fuzzy feeling like I am taking part of a true game of soccer when I compare my games to the real world. When Fifa wants to, the AI of my players are perfect for the style I play, and the CPU gives a challenging and enthralling game, with game plays and display of skills or abilities that I feel are valid and not contrived of in such a fashion that can be attributed to CPU cheating or why;scriptingwhy;.But with all of this praise, the weakness of Fifa 15,