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Hypothyroidism An Overview

Hypothyroidism is a malfunction of the Thyroid Support Review thyroid gland in which it stops producing the correct amount of thyroid hormones needed for the body. There are a few different reasons why it starts doing this. If diagnosed by a doctor there are different treatments he can give you to fix the problem and also ones that will relieve the various side effects that come with having hypothyroidism. This disorder is also known as under active thyroid.

Under active thyroid can be caused by other auto immune diseases that may attack the thyroid gland and cause it to malfunction. Iodine deficiency is also another reason for hypothyroidism and sadly can stop the development of the thyroid in babies if the mother is deficient in iodine whilst pregnant. Babies born with hypothyroidism can have lifelong effects if not found and treated as soon as possible.

You may have all of these symptoms or one or two, and different extremes as well. The most important thing to think about is if you've had any of these symptoms consistently for a period of time. Even that being said, if your diet changes dramatically and often and you notice a pattern it would still be worth going into your doctor.

Doctors usually will ask a few questions about various things before he does a blood test to check for hypothyroidism. These questions may be in regards to your lifestyle (exercise, diet, drug use), your health history and which symptoms have been experienced before, and also your family history. The blood test results should not take too long to come back and from there you and your doctor can figure out the best treatment for you.