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How to wash swimwear in washing machine?

Maybe you think it very difficult to clean your swimsuits, and it takes time to wash swimsuits by hand. Want to wash swimsuits in a washing machine but dont know how to reduce the impact on swimsuits? After reading this blog, you can find out the right way to wash swimsuits in a washing machine.

After purchasing the swimsuit, you need to check the label on it. It explains in detail how to wash the swimsuit. Some swimsuits can be machine washed while others cant. Pay special attention before cleaning, otherwise it will easily affect the service life of the swimsuit and reduce the use of comfort.

Before putting it into the washing machine, you need to clean up the sundries in the swimsuit, such as sand and food residue, and rinse it with running water to reduce the wear and tear in the washing machine.

When washing, pay attention to the water temperature not to be overheated. It is best to choose cold water or low temperature below 30 to avoid damage to the color and elasticity of the swimsuit. Choose a gentle laundry detergent or laundry soap, and put it into the washing machine correctly according to the instructions of the detergent. It is advisable to choose a gentle mode or a hand washing mode to avoid damage to the cutting due to excessive force. It is best not to mix with other clothing to avoid friction and damage to the swimsuit. There is no need to rub or wring the swimsuit excessively during washing.

After washing, take out the swimsuit in time to avoid damage caused by prolonged soaking in the washing machine. Dry the cleaned swimsuit naturally, avoiding direct sunlight or warm air. It is best to lay the swimsuit flat or hang it on a hanger to maintain its original shape, so as to avoid damage of the swimsuit material.

Depending on the model of the washing machine and the actual situation, refer to the instructions for use of the laundry detergent and the special requirements for swimwear. If conditions permit, you can choose to wash the swimsuit by hand, which can protect the material and shape of the swimsuit more carefully.