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How To Prepare For Poker Tournaments?

One of the places where fortunes are either made or broken is poker tournaments. Playing a few hands here and there is an excellent way of learning the game and having fun, but nothing tests your poker courage, intelligence, and endurance like sitting down at the tournament and playing to win it all. If you desire to become a competitive player with a reputation for causing damage to the table, you need to play in tournaments.

You should never take such tournaments lightly. Approach the tournaments with the right approach and seriousness, only then are you bound to make money over time you did not. But are you unsure about how to prepare for poker tournaments online? Following suggestions should help you out –

  • Set goals

Whether it is a big multi-day tournament or night turbo at the local casino, make sure you set some goals before taking the seat in the competition. This way you will have a specific goal that is not a big one as ‘winning the tournament.’ For instance, if you set a goal for the first break only, you pace yourself correctly and hopefully will not make any rash decisions during the first few levels. Once you are through the first break, you can aim for the next one.

  • Avoid panicking

Whether it is your first or 100th poker tournaments, you are bound to get nervous before the shuffle up and deal announcement. This is especially true if they are short-taking in a broader buy-in event, or if they have satellite into a major tour. Do not get panic. You need to play the same game you have played earlier, like pennies around the kitchen table with your father or grandfather.

  • Take time

Always take your time with the decisions. This way, you not only get value for money from the buy-in, but you may also experience some benefits by slowing down the decision-making process in some tricky spots. You need to take decisions like raise, call, and jam. Always slow down and consider the relevant factors before acting. The moment you slow down, you will notice a difference in the way you play.

  • Wear layers

Preparing for poker tournaments online also involves thinking ahead of time about spending the better portion of the day and night in poker rooms. The most common complaints from poker players have been that the poker rooms are either too hot or too cold. Do not let this hinder your game and come prepared for these scenarios. Precisely why layers are essential, i.e. wear thermals or a parka.

  • Restroom trips

Nature’s call is not in your hands. You might need to visit the washroom inside the first level. Then you are left with the decision over when to make that trip to the restroom. If you miss the hand at an initial position, you miss out on value if dealt with a monster. Make sure to make the most of the early rounds. Show up and head to the washroom straight. Doing so will also make you aware of where the washrooms are located during breaks.