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How to Lose Fat Fast? Eliminate Environmental Toxins From Your Body - Detox Your Body and Lose Fat

Your weight loss program (the one that will make your friends envy you) has to be so structured as to become part of your subconscious.The difference between a conscious and a subconscious choice is that the former involves your mind, which can play tricks on you. Your subconscious never lies. It doesn't know how.

When you look into your closet in order to select a dress for tonight's date, chances are you will stop and think. You'll try various colors. You'll stand in front of the mirror, holding the hanger at eye level, allowing the fabric to gently touch your body, and then you'll set it down and pick up another dress and repeat the process. You're thinking. You're using your mind to make choices. When, however, you're thirsty, you automatically reach for water or juice - and not a slice of bread, nor your ballpoint pen, nor your cellphone. Your subconscious tells you you need liquids. Your mind is not part of the equation.

A good weight loss program will leave an imprint in your subconscious, making your choices about food, drink, exercise, dating, walking, clothes that help you get thin and stay thin, and so forth, fully automatic. Weight management is a life-long proposition, not a one-time deal. If you have to think about it, sooner or later it'll become tedious, boring, and ineffective in the long run.