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How Dream Symbols Help Us Understand Ancient Legends

Submitted by hadrielsam on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 22:04

To discuss dream symbols comprehensivelyManifestation Code System Reviewwould require far more than the size of a typical article; indeed entire books have been written on the subject. I seek here only to give a little taste to this fascinating subject; by discussing TREES and TRUMPETS.

Most psychological terms like projection, complex, system and symbol are absent from the Bible, for the simple reason that they were absent from most ancient languages. Likewise they are absent from the myths and legends of tribal peoples. When the ancients needed to talk of such things, they had to turn to metaphor and symbolism. That was not so hard to do. Our dreams are full of symbolic imagery, alchemical colors and mythical creatures that seem to be a synthesis of life-forms that we know. A basic tenet of Jungian psychology is that these symbols are held in the collective subconscious are are available to all of us at the subconscious level.

The Bible mentions TREE some 160 times, and in the majority of these instances tree is symbolic. Olive, fig, oak, green and dry trees are mentioned requently. Trees often symbolize spiritual processes, and are often seen as a link between heavenly activities and earthly activities. The fruit of a tree often symbolizes the end result or the bottom line of the process. The processes symbolized are not necessarily morally good ones. For instance, GREEN tree is typically associated with idolatrous or otherwise sinful processes. Fig tree is mentioned not only in regards to figs as food, but as in material prosperity in general. In Norse mythology the YGGDRASIL or World Tree is associated with the process of creating, and eventually destroying, the world; although it is believed that it itself will survive that destruction. Yggdrasil connects the world of gods, of the giants, of mankind, and Niflheim, the world of the dead. It is morally neutral; creatures both good and bad are nourished, sheltered and facilitated by it.