‘Far away from the madding crowd’- Thomas Hardy couldn’t have been more accurate with his title, could he? Don’t we all yearn to be away from the monotony of the crowded and stereotypical life standards? This holds even truer for those stuck in corporate lives.
They continuously face bland, stressful client and project pressures. With such exponential work pressure and fierce competition, more often than not, employees lose the will and interest in delivering their best. This beckons corporate development training sessions. The idea is to bring city-minds in close contact with nature and its healing capabilities by promoting numerous activities - both team and individual. This initiative acts as a catalyst in establishing an employees’ newfound interest to deliver quality service.
It is on this ground that many activity camps emerged. Such camps aim to:
- Enhance teamwork skills
- Enrich personality development programmes
- Develop employees’ management skills
Needless to say, the above mentioned points form the basis of any company’s healthy working environment. Hence, programmes like these activity camps targeted for corporates are a mandate for all. Apart from these 3 points, there are other company goals which these activities promote.
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However, what you need to know is how these camps achieve the goals mentioned above. Read on to find out.
Activity camps as aids in corporate development training
The equation shared by a protagonist and a plot is equivalent to that between an employee and his/her organisation. Hence, for the smooth functioning of an enterprise, it is of utmost importance to make sure that employees of a company give in their best. Some of the vital requirements in this process are ensuring that staffs work well as individuals and as a team.
The individual and team approach both need excellent and effective communication skills. Only then can a brand reach its goals. However, getting them equipped with excellent capabilities isn’t advisable indoors. This call for outdoor activities that would let them see each other sans corporate-filters.
Here is how activity camps achieve that:
This training covers Dynamic Challenge Courses (DCC), trust walks, raft building, etc. that help employees build their trust in each other. Thus, the staff get to be in a stress-free environment and yet learn something that can be utilised for personal and team development.
Personal growth:
They provide education through recreation. Experts in these camps promote experiential learning through mid-segment adventure camps and help develop the personality and management skill of each worker. With rekindled confidence, they rediscover their zeal to improvise their performance. Quite obviously, the individual efforts lead to a flourishing result in the company front.
Team development:
The cutting-edge training sessions also prepare employees for interacting with the outside world, be it a client or a shareholder. Moreover, once put outside their comfort zone, staffs face an ambience that is drastically different from their office set up. Most of the activities require strong teamwork, and hence, need interdependence.
Taking into account the significant and long-lasting impacts of these training sessions on employees, it is growing more and more popular among corporate companies. The companies reportedly found noticeable changes in their workers, and this has been followed by immense improvement in their organization’s productivity and quality of work. The popularity of the camps is reflected in the growing number of such groups providing the best of corporate training.
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