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How do infertility treatments work, and how effective are they?

It's possible to boost your chances of getting pregnant with fertility treatments, even if you're battling with infertility or need help getting pregnant. There are various treatments available at the Best Fertility Center in Bihar, depending on your unique situation and the cause of your infertility.

  • Intrauterine Insemination(IUI): In most cases of infertility, IUI is the first step in treatment. Women receive hormones to help them ovulate on time, while their husband's sperm is collected, cleaned, and put into their uterus via an ultra-sterile tube, allowing them to have a baby. 
  • In Vitro Fertilization(IVF): It is an Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Female eggs and male sperm samples are collected and manually mixed on a lab dish during IVF treatment. Then, the embryo is inserted into the uterus for fertilization. Male and female infertility are both treated with IVF. The success rate of an IVF procedure is determined by factors such as the cause of infertility, past reproductive history, lifestyle factors, and maternal age.
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI): If you're looking for an alternative to IVF, ICSI is another method of ART that involves injecting only one sperm into a mature egg. It may be necessary to perform ICSI if there are malefactors such as the number of sperm and its moves. Injecting sperm into an egg creates an embryo, which is implanted in your uterus for fertilization.

The success rates for infertility treatments such as IVF/ICSI are around 75% at Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre. Unlike many clinics, they collect eggs in a specialized atmosphere and move them to a super-safe laboratory that meets 100% cleanroom standards.
There are specially designed incubation chambers at Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre that helps to protect the embryos and keep them healthy. They take these steps to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. This is how Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre became the best fertility center in Bihar.