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How do I get successful IVF treatment in India?

The success rate of IVF in India largely depends on several circumstances, and it generally stands between 50 to 60 percent. If a woman is younger than 35 years and infertility is less, the success rate can be up to 65 percent. The success rate of the IVF treatment depends upon different parameters as listed below:

  • Types of infertility: There are various types of ovarian infertility such as second infertility factor, fibroid knots, dysfunction, abdominal abnormality, etc. Infertility problems treat in a variety of ways, each with a different time frame and success rate.
  • IVF failures and miscarriages in the past: If you already have confidence in IVF treatment, the success rate is excellent. Success rates can fluctuate if you have an abortion or other similar circumstances. 
  • Age of woman: The chances of getting pregnant naturally with IVF decrease as you grow older. Younger women have better success rates than women over 40. 
  • The expertise of doctors: The selection of a proper breeding clinic is one of the most important variables of successful IVF. The best IVF center in Bihar will have a huge impact on your IVF experience because they are involved in every stage of the process.

Expert doctors, top IVF specialists, and well-trained staff at Diwya Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre, the best IVF center in Bihar, can help you get successful IVF treatment in India. Please do not hesitate to question them about their qualifications and how they cope with the recent breakthroughs in IVF. In each successful case, they provide a strong probability for success with IVF. They have a documented track record of success rates. With their specialized IVF treatment, they assist many couples to overcome their stigma problem and fulfill their dream of having children. They have the greatest IVF success rate in India, with an 80-90 percent success rate.