Choosing your first vibrator can be a little intimidating, but don't worry! We've got your back.
To start, you want to think about what kind of vibe you're looking for. Do you want to whisper quiet sex toy? Something that's waterproof? Something that looks like a spaceship? Maybe you're looking for something with a little more texture or softness, or maybe something that's in the middle of the road.
Once you have an idea of what type of vibe you want, it's time to think about size and shape. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to shape, so look at a few different options and see which one feels right for you. Once again, if one doesn't feel right—don't force it! The last thing you want is an uncomfortable experience that makes you never want to try again.
The last thing we'll say is this: make sure it works before taking it home! If there's anything wrong with the item (a defect or malfunction), take advantage of any store policies around returns before making a purchase online unless otherwise specified by an authorized retailer directly through their website or contact page before making a decision.