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Head Lice Prevention

The Ultimate Healthy Recipe Bundle  Head lice prevention should always start from the person himself. Because lice remedies start with a good personal hygiene, you have to start the procedure with yourself. Practice taking a bath everyday and use nit comb at least once a week when you see someone in your household infected with lice. Avoid sharing your personal hygienic materials, like hairbrush and towels. If you share these items with others, the likelihood of spreading the bugs is higher. Therefore, lice removal becomes more difficult. In any infection, nothing beats excellent personal hygiene.
Family effort is important in killing lice. The whole family, including all children and adults, must practice head lice prevention. Although children are the common victims, adults can suffer the same problem. Even just one child in the family can cause a widespread infection. Once you notice the first signs of the problem, inspect the heads of all members of the family. Most likely, more than one member is suffering from it. Wash the beddings in hot soapy water. Clean the most common resting areas, like the bed and couch. Vacuum the carpets, rugs and the couches. If you see the bugs, use a vinegar solution or hot soapy water to kill the lice.
For lice removal, you will also need the cooperation of the whole community to be successful. Head lice prevention is only effective if it becomes a collective effort of the society. The most common sites considered as bug farms are the schools. Because of the contact of children with their playmates, they can easily transfer the lice to them. The key to reduce the risk of spreading the infection is by reporting a child with the problem. You can notify the school nurse about it for them take necessary actions. All parents must be cooperative in the case that their child has lice. In some schools, they request the parents to isolate the child temporarily until he or she becomes clear of the infection.

Head lice prevention involves a community effort. It starts from the individual, extends to the family and entails the cooperation of the whole community. If one of these becomes uncooperative, the steps you take can become useless since the lice will attack again. However, if every sector participates well and understands the need to stop the spread, you can win the battle against these pestering bugs.