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God and Love

Submitted by hadrielsam on Tue, 04/07/2020 - 23:09

These two can never be separated. Thought Manifestation Review If you are talking about God, love is evident and vice versa. When God created man, he had so much Love for him that he gave him dominion. He told them to multiply and subdue the earth. He was giving man everything he had created. This shows how much God loved man. When man fell to sin, God has always been looking for ways to reconcile man back to himself. He even gave his only begotten Son to die for us.

Today, God still loves us so much that he is still looking for ways to reconcile us back to himself. You might think that you have gone so far from God that you can never be saved from your sins. The answer is, you can be forgiven and reconciled back with God. God and love are evident in almost every scripture you read. Due to the love he has for us, he would send prophets to get us back to himself. His love for mankind made him not give up on us.