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Getting Rid of Cold Sores

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I'm going to show you some natural ways for getting rid of cold sores, because over the counter creams are not needed. They are expensive, and in some cases they can have some serious side effects.
Having personally suffered from cold sores since i was young, i have always been on the look out for some cold sore treatments that actually worked. In the past i have used creams and prescription pills to try and cure my infection once and for all, but nothing seemed to work. A well known brand name cream does sooth the pain a little, but they always seem to reappear a couple of weeks later. If this sounds like you, here are some effective natural remedies that have worked for me for the past couple of years.
I cannot recommend aloe vera enough. It has been the most effective and most soothing way of helping me through those weeks when i have had an outbreak. I apply aloe vera to the affected area as soon as i get that tingling feeling. It not only helps the sore to heal, but it can also stop it from developing into a larger infection.
Another method I use to help sooth the blisters is by applying petroleum jelly over the area. This helps to stop the sore from cracking and bleeding even further. As with all natural remedies, it's important to take into account any medications that you are taking will not cause you to have any adverse reactions.
These are just a couple of natural methods i use for getting rid of cold sores. They have worked for me for a number of years now, i hope they will help take away some of the discomfort for you also.