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Footie Away Days Download

Before you make any important purchases, you often learn about the product, ask questions, and understand how the purchase will suit your needs and your wants. Likewise when you decide to invest in diamonds, it is imperative that you learn about them, play with them in your Footie Away Days hands, become familiar with inner secrets and skills of the trade, and understand how the diamond trading market works. Remember that the yield of returns for diamond investment is dependent on the duration, quality and type. A good way to start is to learn the 4Cs which are the basic assessing criteria for a diamond's quality. Further, you should spend time with an expert or specialist in diamonds investment and learn the other factors of grading a diamond, such as its purity, cutting proportions, make, treatments, transparency, which are crucial factors that affect the ultimate value of a diamond.

Keep abreast of the market's current demands every so often to assess the value of your diamond portfolio while keeping in mind that diamonds' value generally tend to rise over longer periods of time (with the exception of periods of hyperinflation where prices of diamonds can double or triple in half a year). Last but not least, keep the following handy points in mind in order to become a wise and knowledgeable diamond investor:

Always go for rounds- Fashion and cutting styles come and go in the diamond industry and rarely do they return, so unless you are looking for something different than from your huge collection of round brilliant diamonds, your best bet to choosing an investable diamond is the ultimate, classic 57 or 58 faceted round-cut diamond which shines brighter than any other shapes of diamonds. Rounds are always in demand and their rate of price increase is always steeper and speedier than fancy shaped diamonds. In auctions and in the diamond trade market, round diamonds always have more prevailing price valuations. Just remember, when proceeding with diamond investment, always choose the diamond which you can resell in the future.

Opt for colourless- Although fancy coloured diamonds are popular and they are incredibly expensive as seen in public auctions, this does not suggest that they are worth your first set of investment in diamonds. Should you wish to redeem your investment, it is much more arduous to find a serious buyer for a large and rare intense vivid pink diamond of 10 carats, than to locate a buyer for a 3 carats D colour, internally flawless diamond due to actual market demand and the narrowed number of potential buyers. For novice in diamonds, go for a colourless diamond with good colour grade to secure your investment in both short and long run.