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Finance Mastery
Video Marketing Mastery relates to any other mastery experience you can have. How does my swimming training directly relate to my success as a video marketing expert?
Video marketing mastery taught me the same secrets I learned on how to become a champion in the swimming pool and these same secrets helped me become a champion in all areas of my life.
Your first step to building your brand is understanding yourself.
Our research with executives has shown us that there are 6 components that make up your brand - your values, mission, goals, talents, behavioral style and habits.
A little digression is in order here. What we have found is that you will be most effective if you force yourself to prioritize decisions into groups of three. Research indicates that a person should limit their attention to three tasks or thoughts. Boiling a world of infinite possibilities down to three alternatives makes it easy for you to stay focused and others to see a consistency in different dimensions of your behavior and value creation. Anything more than three and a person can become overextended and confused.
While you read the rest of this article, think about the most important, critical three points for each of the categories.
Values in your life
What's important to you? Typically, people choose words like:
Peace, harmony, justice, fairness, honesty, family, integrity, trust, meritocracy
Whichever you choose, your decisions will become infinitely easier when your values are clear. Other people will be able to predict your behavior and align themselves accordingly.
Your primary missions
These are things you strive for and believe in. A mission is your vision of something that you'll never say is done-at least not in this lifetime. A mission is not like a goal that can be measured. How will your missions make a difference to other individuals and society? Powerful missions attract powerful supporters and they will help you achieve them.
Most important goals
It is great to have many goals but which ones are worthy of your best attention and efforts? Remember, you can have anything you want in your life. Picking your most important three is a challenge because most people have many goals that, when viewed in retrospect, are not truly significant. Are all your goals work related? Think about your work/life balance.
Personal Mastery

Everyone has exceptional talents. Few people spend their lives focusing on a few talents and thus create personal mastery. Yet these are the people we remember, the ones who create breakthroughs and really touch the people with whom they interface. Only recently, has there been research that shows that this differentiates top executive leadership and the second tier. Top leaders achieve mastery on a few select areas. There is no one set of talents in a top leader, just the act of creating mastery at selected talents is what makes the difference for that individual. So what would you choose to master? How will your selected talents affect others?
Behavioral style
We all have a natural behavioral style. It is never right or wrong except when we do not adapt to the people we are trying to influence. Understanding yourself and how you affect others provides tremendous payback in achieving your goals and dreams. Fortunately, there are powerful assessment tools that can help you understand yourself.
Whether you are an affiliate marketer, an advertiser, a blogging specialist, a website owner... as long as you have an internet business, you know there is one thing you can never have enough off - traffic. An internet business is almost dead if it fails to drive traffic initially, because that is where most of the conversions and followers are going to come from.
There are many ways to drive traffic and many of them still work today. The purpose of this article is to examine more carefully which are the ones that could potentially generate the most traffic with perhaps the least amount of effort. Like it or not, traffic mastery is part art and part science. At some point in time, creativity does come into play as we shall see later.
Method #1 - Produce content
Method number one is simply to write and submit articles. This is really simple and straightforward, but the implications are large. The content in the article goes onto article directories, blogs, websites, emails and social media. By doing this to the same type of content, we have effectively propagated the content to readers from four or more places. An article may be just content - specialized
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