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FIFA officials say only play without reading Will be really dangerous

Submitted by xiaoliu on Tue, 09/15/2015 - 22:37

For the women's seminar held about the 4th FIFA Women's Football Head Taki Jana Heine  interview at coffee break. She noted that soccer movement is rolling out more(a) century, its market development capability, professional football's size and savings, usually are not much like women's football. Therefore, if your income is not  Fifa 16 Coins Xbox 360  to protect lifespan after retirement, women's football players will likely need to  take into account the "trinity" of semi-professional, and not simply needing to play, stop trying  education.  fifah660


Heine In comparison example, highly professional soccer FIFA, they make a ton of money, even though retirement, "The bucks is enough to get them into the next stage  before, there is certainly lots of time to take into consideration his or fifa15pal Fifa Coins how to proceed." . But women's  football players won't be the same, even if the full professional, infrequently play a very long time. "