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Why develop a story mode for FIFA 17? 
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It’s a side of football we have never been able to showcase before and is something we have wanted to do for several years - give the player the experience of living a professional football career on and off the pitch. We have done an amazing job of recreating football through gameplay but up until now we have never ‘peeked behind the curtain’ and brought to life what happens off the pitch. That side of the game has become more known about in recent years through social media and the countless number of websites devoted to the sport. Fans can digest football 24/7 and have a window into footballer's lives outside of matches that just wasn't available before. I think it’s a side of football people are very interested in now and it's a great opportunity to really innovate in FIFA 17.

It’s also a mode that will allow players to learn about the sport but just as importantly get familiar with the game - you can learn the fundamentals of FIFA and some of the more advanced functionality through playing. Any player that completes The Journey should not only have a great time but come out the other side with the ability to play the game at an even better level.
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How long has it taken to develop The Journey?

We have been thinking about this for a long time and been plotting ideas for more than two years. We mapped out the story and all the features, then a large section of the team came together back over a year ago. Most of the EA SPORTS FIFA team have worked on an annual cycle. So for this, it was a pretty long production but at the same time, a very rewarding process.

FIFA 17 is the first in the series to use the Frostbite engine, how did it help shape developing The Journey?
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Without Frostbite, a story this immersive doesn't happen. It really gave us the means to tell the story. We built our engine around delivering authentic true to life action on and off the pitch, but with the move over to Frostbite gave us the opportunity and the tools required to create scenes and environments necessary for this kind of mode. The Frostbite engine has given us a lot of incredible games many of which featured story modes and it was the perfect vehicle for us to bring a story into FIFA.

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