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Fatigue: Disease of the Contemporary World

Medicines used to treat acidity are best prescribed by a doctor The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution Review but there are those antacids that you can buy over the counter to neutralize the acid that causes the heartburn. The effectiveness of the medicine will depend on the intensity of the condition. If these do not work it is always advisable to consult a doctor who might just recommend a simple surgery to deal with the condition once and for all.

The physical remedies for acid reflux is mostly the use of the special pillow that keep your head slightly elevated to about 6-8 inches so that there is noon chance for the stomach contents to flow backwards. It is portable and therefore can be used anywhere. The natural and herbal remedies refer to the ingredients that we commonly use during preparation of the meals we eat every day. They include special flavoring spices like garlic, ginger, pimpali and black pepper. Ask why these are a common phenomenon among the Indians!

The best way to stop a disease is to limit its spread. This statement is very practical especially for fever blisters. Fever blisters is a disease affecting the nose and the mouth. It is caused by a virus known as Herpes simplex virus-1. The virus may enter the body through contact or through the mouth. It travels along the nervous system towards the ganglia. Here, it rests in an inactive state. Later, when the virus is reactivated, blisters are seen.