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Exosomes vs PRP for Hair Loss

PRP for hair loss near me continues to be a popular search term among patients seeking solutions for non-surgical hair restoration. PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma that is drawn from your own blood, separated out and re-injected into your scalp. The plasma contains growth factors capable of repairing damaged hair follicles and promoting growth. The platelets are from your own blood which is a process known as an autologous injection.

Exosomes take regenerative medicine to the next level delivering a high concentration of tiny microvesicles with very specific growth signals to balding areas. Researchers believe that Exosomes are more valuable than PRP or stem cells due to their unique ability to deliver specific sets of instructions to the developing cells.

Exosomes contain highly-concentrated purified growth elements derived from mesenchymal stem cells. Unlike PRP drawn from your own blood, these stem-cells are not aged or differentiated and contain potent signals for stimulating hair follicle growth.

PRP for hair loss is drawn from your own blood and besides the collection kit, there is no additional product needed. As such, the price point for PRP runs considerable lower than ExoFlo. ExoFlo is a novel technique and are obtained from an outside company that specializes in harvesting these components. The preparation is expensive and should be considered in the context of prior hair loss treatments. Clients looking for improved responses and novel techniques that have promise in regenerative medicine will opt for exosome therapy for hair loss.

As experience and successful results increase, we expect that stem cell therapy for hair loss near me will become increasingly popular among potential hair loss clients. Exosome therapy for hair loss is cutting-edge treatment and we expect it to reshape hair loss treatment forever. While stem cells for hair loss have been beneficial for some patients, exosomes take the theory behind regenerative hair loss to the next level. For further consideration, please consult with a stem cell therapy regrowth expert.

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