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Every few months I'd decide it was time

Submitted by StevenCao on Fri, 11/23/2018 - 04:31

My experience of Runescape at 2006 was predominantly this: mill for hours, buy some shiny new equipment, smash runescape mobile gold computer keyboard upon realising my battle level was not enough to equip it, grind battle degrees, equip gear, get killed in the Wilderness, shed shiny new equipment, replicate. Every few months I'd decide it was time to start a new accounts, motivated by a few expert build I had seen or an inexplicable desire to live an easy life and become some sort of fabled hermit. Honestly, 12-year-old me thought that would be a fun thing to do.

Logging into Runescape is like coming home to discover your parents have turned into a brand new dog without telling you, and they absolutely refuse to say what happened to your beloved Brassica Prime. At first you could sulk and long to get the puppy that once was, but soon enough you begin to notice that the pet is gorgeous compared to its haggard predecessor. It does all kinds of new tricks, it has charm and character, heaps of endgame content and doesn't need to be fed or walked often.

Where Runescape utilized to involve offering up one's hands to hours, or days, of grinding for piecemeal progress, now it hands out flat raises with a regularity that's difficult to stomach if you can remember sinking 20 hours of continuous play into acquiring only half of the XP you want to level up.

Pleased with my progress, I place an extra eight hours into boosting my abilities. At this point my general impression is that Runescape has only gotten prettier and easier, which wouldn't be sufficient to haul me back into its F2P clutches.

What did manage that (I begrudgingly admit) was the number and caliber of quests to be performed in RuneScape. Quests are everywhere, and every is its own foray into a tiny fragment of Runescape lore. There is a quest where you take control of a seagull and use it to bomb zombie pirates with bird poo.

Runescape's tone is joyously mild, and with fewer level cap hurdles to leap over you're free to adopt and explore it without submitting to the mill. Which is great, since Runescape's quests haven't really required you to buy RS gold utilize skills other than combat, and have usually comprised puzzles or interactive elements that have more in common with old school point-and-click adventure games than fantasy questing.